GoGirl Lashes

Sensitive Glue (Green Cap)


Adhesive – (Complete an indemnity form)

The adhesive bonds the synthetic lash to the client’s natural lash. The market offers a lot of different Eyelash Extension Adhesives, most of them are not very good, but very expensive, some are not waterproof or for semi-permanent use and many burn the eyes or cause allergic reactions.
Go Girl Lashes has tested many qualities and decided to offer 4 different types of adhesive to their clients. The strong glue, which is known as the Pink Cap, it is non-odorless and dries quicker. The lifetime can be 3-4 weeks. We have 4 glues: X- Strong glue (Black Cap),Advanced glue (Gold Cap), Strong glue (Pink Cap), Medical glue (Green Cap)The lifetime of the extensions with this adhesive is 2 weeks.

Adhesive – (Complete an indemnity form)

The adhesive bonds the synthetic lash to the client’s natural lash. The market offers a lot of different Eyelash Extension Adhesives, most of them are not very good, but very expensive, some are not waterproof or for semi-permanent use and many burn the eyes or cause allergic reactions.
Go Girl Lashes has tested many qualities and decided to offer 4 different types of adhesive to their clients. The strong glue, which is known as the Pink Cap, it is non-odorless and dries quicker. The lifetime can be 3-4 weeks. We have 4 glues: X- Strong glue (Black Cap),Advanced glue (Gold Cap), Strong glue (Pink Cap), Medical glue (Green Cap)The lifetime of the extensions with this adhesive is 2 weeks.

Allergic reaction (Adhesive)

Since the eyelash extensions, adhesive and other associated products will typically come in contact with the skin of a clients eyelids, eyelid swelling may occur initially. Clients could experience additional symptoms, and these may include bloodshot eyes, itching, discomfort and excessive watering. As well, a client may notice a thick discharge from their eyes, particularly upon waking. You should remove the lashes at the first sign of a reaction, and this may help prevent symptoms from intensifying. Knowing the potential symptoms of an allergic reaction to the eyelash extensions will help you identify a problem early and seek treatment if necessary. Treatment (Adhesive) After you remove the eyelash extensions you can advise the client to put a cool cloth on the eyelids to help minimize inflammation. If the client have other symptoms, she may need to take an antihistamine medication such as an over the counter allergy medication. In the case of a severe reaction, the doctor may prescribe a medication or recommend an eye drop to help relieve the symptoms.




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